Production of Difficult-to-Express Proteins And Monoclonal Antibodies in Hollow Fiber Bioreactors

If you are like me, you find it difficult to devote an entire hour, even if the topic is of great interest. This video is a short “Mini-webinar” that will take around 20 minutes to watch. – John J. S. Cadwell, CEO 

SUMMARY: High secreted product concentrations and uniform and complete post-translational modifications make hollow fiber bioreactors ideal for the production of  50 mg on up to gram quantities of monoclonal antibodies and recombinant proteins. CDM-HD, our protein free, chemically defined, cGMP compliant serum replacement takes advantage of the unique cell culture conditions found in a hollow fiber bioreactor. Difficult-to-express proteins are properly folded and antibodies have complete glycosylation that can result in higher affinity. Hollow fiber bioreactors from FiberCell Systems can deliver the power of 3-D hollow fiber cell culture to any laboratory.